Route level
Helpful for the tour is good physical fitness and stamina. Bring with you team spirit and responsibility to your companions.As a beginner, it is good, if you already have off-road experience.
For instance, if you can drive standing in easy passages, holding the motorcycle on inclines with the clutch and maneuvering without stalling the engine as well as being able to operate brakes and throttle smoothly.
In order to control enduro motorcycles safely in the terrain, it is advantageous to be at least as large that you comfortably reach the ground with both feet.Depending on the levels of difficulty you want to go on the tours, you can experience your own driving, mental and physical limits - you will feel how challenging off-road driving really can be. The balance between driving pleasure and exhaustion should always be kept upright.Basically, you determine the level!
Tours can have passages that can only be mastered together and in teamwork.